Group Healing For Therapy Practice Owners
Group Healing for PRactice Owners
When you invest in you, you invest in your business. Often as practice owners we are the last on our own priority list. This imbalance may bleed into other areas of our lives, and this imbalance often has a root in the very backstories that brought us into this field. We must color ourselves in before we can level up our business.
Group Healing for Practice Owners is an 8 week closed healing group that focuses on addressing the blocks to abundance for therapy practice owners. To join this circle of support you must be an owner of a therapy practice, desire to build connection and step out of isolation, and want to gain clarity on the things keeping you and your business stuck.
This is a closed group that meets once weekly for 8 weeks. Each group is priced at $150 with a commitment to all 8 weeks required, for a total commitment of $1200.
As a special offering to our healing community, this group will be reduced to $111 per group for a total commitment of $888 if you register by 12/31/24.