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 Amber Tolbert Consulting - Systems For Healing Practices

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 Women Guiding Women


I’m all of these things before I’m: Boss, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Educator, Professional, Therapist, Healer. The journey of recovery led me to becoming a wounded healer and in that process I noticed a pattern. Every time I took a risk and invested in my own healing, my business leveled up as a consequence. It took me many years to own that I am a “Business Woman” (self taught and mentored by many) and even longer to realize my purpose. Somewhere along the way I found peace which was followed by clarity and gratitude. For many years of my life, I struggled with the consequences of my childhood only to realize it was preparing me for all I could ask for. No, my life is not perfect, AND, I’m no longer lost searching for answers. In fact, I get to support others in finding their answers. The road to success, profit, and abundance is inward. “Together we can do what we cannot do alone” is a recovery principle that leads my life.

I created a very successful multi-state group practice where on a daily basis my team supports individuals, couples and families heal from the long term effects of complex trauma. My clinical work led me to training and supervision which allows me to educate therapists on the true root of addiction (trauma) and the holistic ways we can heal core wounds.




 Consulting (1:1)

Develop your business into a living and breathing entity. Create workflows that build efficient systems. Identify blocks or barriers to success or profit.



Bring your business to life with products designed to support an expedited process and details that you may not consider. Define your parallel process to inform approach.


Group Business Coaching

Clinicians, counselors, or healers meet in community to develop their business processes. Together we can do what we cannot do alone. The workflows, standard operating procedures, and dashboards are the framework that allow the practice to have it’s own identity and heartbeat. (Picture: Morocco, Africa 2020)


Executive Healing (Individual and Group)

Entrepreneurs are full of passion, tenacity, and wisdom. In my story, the more I invested in me, reparented myself, and colored myself in the more I could show up for my business. This program is a multi-day opportunity to explore how your past is showing up in your present. INVEST in YOU!

Ready to Get Growing?
